'Nehru Rajkiya Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya Phagli'

Nehru Rajkiya Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya Phagli

Nehru Government Sanskrit College, Phagli, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

Nehru Government Sanskrit College, Phagli offers Prak-Shastri and Shastri.

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*हर आवेदक/छात्र अपने स्मार्टफोन से आसानी से फॉर्म भर सकता है। फोन से फोटो क्लिक करके दस्तावेज अपलोड किए जा सकते हैं। हम सभी छात्रों/आवेदकों को प्रोस्पेक्टस पढ़ने के बाद फोन/लैपटॉप से ​​अपने फॉर्म भरने की सलाह देते हैं। अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप कॉलेज को कॉल भी कर सकते हैं।
*Every applicant/student can easily fill the form from their smartphone. Documents can be uploaded by clicking photos from the phone. We recommend all students/applicants fill their forms from Phone/Laptop after reading the prospectus.You can also call college for more information.
Session year : 2024-2025 (Please check various course/s schedule below and login/register to apply or pay fee/fine from your dashboard)
*Every student/applicant of 1st year(1st Semester), 2year(3rd Semester), 3rd year(5th Semester) must have their own(unique) login.
Course Year:First
Course Name:PrakShastri
Submission From:17-12-2024
Submission Till:19-12-2024
Fee deposit start date:17-12-2024
Fee deposit last date:19-09-2024
Late fee starts from:17-12-2024
Course Year:Second
Course Name:PrakShastri
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:15-08-2024
Fee deposit start date:05-06-2024
Fee deposit last date:15-08-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:First
Course Name:Shastri
Submission From:17-12-2024
Submission Till:19-12-2024
Fee deposit start date:17-12-2024
Fee deposit last date:19-12-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:Second
Course Name:Shastri
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:31-08-2024
Fee deposit start date:05-06-2024
Fee deposit last date:31-08-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:Third
Course Name:Shastri
Submission From:17-12-2024
Submission Till:19-12-2024
Fee deposit start date:17-12-2024
Fee deposit last date:19-12-2024
Late fee starts from: